About the Client:
Our client is a technology-driven insurance company that provides all types of services in the insurance domain. Through their Agency Management CRM solutions, they want to connect to their agents and automate insurance processes. Displaying summary views generated from agency reports that come from different workflows makes it easy for customers to access information without using spreadsheets and complicated pivot tables.
When data is coming from a variety of workflows, it is not very easy to automate the access, validation, and responsiveness of data. Thus, the client needed Motivity Labs to help in automating and validating the web services response for add, delete, update & read calls and its response data.
- Identification of the web service calls
- Preparation of input Test data according to the service calls
- Dealing with request header and body for post and update operations
- Handling massive data volumes for validation
- Validating negative scenarios of web service calls and their response codes
- Validation of agency reports, input & output Files
- Completion of testing on time in accordance with rally following agile with scrum

Solution Offered:
Motivity Labs team put together a solution that could handle the complete validation through an agile scrum process following the steps listed:
- All the test scenarios were understood using behavior driven development pattern
- All the Application service API calls were validated through automation
- Most of the validations for the Reports, dashboards, and files were completed using open-source tools like beyond compare
- Jenkin job Configurations of the API automation solution helped to share reports daily.
- Our Test automation team and development team worked in co-ordination to put forth the best automated API testing solution.
Technology used:
- Visual Studio 2017
- SQL Server Management Studio
- Postman/Fiddler
- Jenkins
Business Outcome:

- Our development framework was accepted and implemented by the client as per our suggestions.
- With Automation, all the API service calls were validated without any manual effort.
- There was a huge reduction in execution time even for increased number of API calls.
- Improved Customer satisfaction with on time delivery of reports.